Literal Literature
Join Comedy Performers Sam Sheldon and Howard Grater as they challenge one another to write a completely new story based on the title of a famous piece of literature. Merch Store: https://literal-literature.teemill.com
Literal Literature
Further Reading: No Country For Old Men
Literal Literature
Episode 18
A Look back at the previous episode of Literal Literature, 'No Country For Old Men'. Join Sam and Howard as they go through Reviewdledoodledoos, listen to Howards original music and of course take on a quiz!
Hosts: Sam Sheldon and Howard Grater
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LiteralLitPod
Instagram: @literalliteraturepod
Email: literalliterature.podcast@gmail.com
Free music for non-commercial use from https://www.fesliyanstudios.com